Spring 2016 MTSU Poll Topline Results

Spring 2016 MTSU Poll Toplines
(n = 600 registered voters in Tennessee)
Date Date
Valid 01/15/2016 13.9


01/16/2016 10.7
01/17/2016 29.7
01/18/2016 25.7
01/19/2016 18.5
01/20/2016 1.5
Total 100.0
land_cell land/cell
Valid 1 land 55.0
2 cell 45.0
Total 100.0
Valid 1 MALE 47.4
2 FEMALE 52.6
Total 100.0
Region region
Valid 1 east 36.5
2 middle 42.0
3 west 21.5
Total 100.0
Age age
Valid 1 18-34 18.2
2 35-54 40.5
3 55+ 37.6
Total 100.0
Q1a Q1A. Let’s talk first about the 2016 presidential election. Of all the candidates currently running for president, can you please name the one person you would most like to win the election? [IF YES: And what is that person’s name?] [DO NOT READ]
Valid 1 Jeb Bush 1.1
2 Ben Carson 4.3
3 Chris Christie 1.4
4 Hillary Clinton 13.7
5 Ted Cruz 9.2
6 Carly Fiorina .2
8 Mike Huckabee .9
9 John Kasich .2
11 Rand Paul 1.0
12 Marco Rubio 3.3
13 Bernie Sanders 7.5
15 Donald Trump 23.8
16 Someone Else 1.6
17 Don’t Know 28.9
18 Refused 3.0
Total 100.0
Q1b Q1B. Can name the one person you would *least* like to win the election? [IF NECESSARY, FOLLOW UP WITH]: “Of all the candid … ase name the one person you would *least* like to win the election? [IF YES: And what is that person’s name?] [DO NOT READ]
Valid 1 Jeb Bush 2.4
2 Ben Carson .5
3 Chris Christie .8
4 Hillary Clinton 49.9
5 Ted Cruz 3.9
9 John Kasich .1
10 Martin O’Malley .1
11 Rand Paul .1
12 Marco Rubio .2
13 Bernie Sanders 3.5
14 Rick Santorum .1
15 Donald Trump 25.0
16 Someone Else .2
17 Don’t Know 11.8
18 Refused 1.3
Total 100.0
Q3 Q3. Jeb Bush? [IF NECESSARY: Do you strongly favor, favor, neither favor or oppose, oppose, or strongly oppose Jeb Bush becoming President?]
Valid 1 Strongly favor 2.3
2 Favor 16.7
3 Neither favor nor oppose 24.2
4 Oppose 34.7
5 Strongly oppose 17.1
6 [DO NOT READ] Don’t Know 4.5
7 [DO NOT READ] Refused .4
Total 100.0
Q4 Q4. Ben Carson? [IF NECESSARY: Do you strongly favor, favor, neither favor or oppose, oppose, or strongly oppose Ben Carson becoming President?]
Valid 1 Strongly favor 11.9
2 Favor 26.3
3 Neither favor nor oppose 21.1
4 Oppose 19.6
5 Strongly oppose 11.9
6 [DO NOT READ] Don’t Know 8.9
7 [DO NOT READ] Refused .4
Total 100.0
Q5 Q5. Chris Christie? [IF NECESSARY: Do you strongly favor, favor, neither favor or oppose, oppose, or strongly oppose Chris Christie becoming President?]
Valid 1 Strongly favor 3.1
2 Favor 15.8
3 Neither favor nor oppose 25.6
4 Oppose 31.3
5 Strongly oppose 13.1
6 [DO NOT READ] Don’t Know 10.7
7 [DO NOT READ] Refused .4
Total 100.0
Q6 Q5. Hillary Clinton? [IF NECESSARY: Do you strongly favor, favor, neither favor or oppose, oppose, or strongly oppose Hillary Clinton becoming President?]
Valid 1 Strongly favor 12.1
2 Favor 12.2
3 Neither favor nor oppose 7.2
4 Oppose 14.2
5 Strongly oppose 51.3
6 [DO NOT READ] Don’t Know 2.6
7 [DO NOT READ] Refused .4
Total 100.0
Q7 Q6. Ted Cruz? [IF NECESSARY: Do you strongly favor, favor, neither favor or oppose, oppose, or strongly oppose Ted Cruz becoming President?]
Valid 1 Strongly favor 13.2
2 Favor 24.9
3 Neither favor nor oppose 21.3
4 Oppose 18.5
5 Strongly oppose 12.6
6 [DO NOT READ] Don’t Know 9.1
7 [DO NOT READ] Refused .4
Total 100.0
Q8 Q8. Marco Rubio? [IF NECESSARY: Do you strongly favor, favor, neither favor or oppose, oppose, or strongly oppose Marco Rubio becoming President?]
Valid 1 Strongly favor 5.6
2 Favor 24.1
3 Neither favor nor oppose 25.5
4 Oppose 23.8
5 Strongly oppose 8.0
6 [DO NOT READ] Don’t Know 12.5
7 [DO NOT READ] Refused .5
Total 100.0
Q9 Q9. Bernie Sanders? [IF NECESSARY: Do you strongly favor, favor, neither favor or oppose, oppose, or strongly oppose Bernie Sanders becoming President?]
Valid 1 Strongly favor 6.8
2 Favor 16.6
3 Neither favor nor oppose 16.0
4 Oppose 25.1
5 Strongly oppose 27.2
6 [DO NOT READ] Don’t Know 7.9
7 [DO NOT READ] Refused .4
Total 100.0
Q10 Q10. Donald Trump? [IF NECESSARY: Do you strongly favor, favor, neither favor or oppose, oppose, or strongly oppose Donald Trump becoming President?]
Valid 1 Strongly favor 21.9
2 Favor 22.9
3 Neither favor nor oppose 10.5
4 Oppose 12.4
5 Strongly oppose 28.9
6 [DO NOT READ] Don’t Know 2.8
7 [DO NOT READ] Refused .6
Total 100.0
Q11 Q11. Now for some quick questions about *current* governmental leaders, starting with the president. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?
Valid 1 Approve 30.6
2 Disapprove 66.1
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 3.1
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .3
Total 100.0
Q12 Q12. Do you approve or disapprove of the way The United States Congress is handling its job?
Valid 1 Approve 11.6
2 Disapprove 80.0
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 8.2
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .3
Total 100.0
Q13 Q13. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Haslam [HAZ-lum] is handling his job as governor?
Valid 1 Approve 57.7
2 Disapprove 21.6
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 19.7
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused 1.0
Total 100.0
Q14 Q14. Do you approve or disapprove of the job the Tennessee State Legislature is doing?
Valid 1 Approve 48.4
2 Disapprove 25.6
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 25.0
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused 1.0
Total 100.0
Q15 Q15. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bob Corker is handling his job as a U.S. Senator?
Valid 1 Approve 46.6
2 Disapprove 30.7
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 21.8
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .9
Total 100.0
Q16 Q16. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Lamar [luh-MAR] Alexander is handling his job as a U.S. Senator?
Valid 1 Approve 42.2
2 Disapprove 35.1
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 21.8
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .9
Total 100.0
Q17 Q17. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your standard of living, all the things you can buy and do?
Valid 1 Satisfied 66.5
2 Dissatisfied 30.1
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 2.7
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .7
Total 100.0
Q18 Q18. Right now, do you feel your standard of living is getting better or getting worse?
Valid 1 Getting better 34.1
2 Getting worse 41.9
3 [DO NOT READ] Staying the same (if volunteered) 21.1
4 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 2.2
5 [DO NOT READ] Refused .7
Total 100.0
Q19 Q19. In general, do you think laws covering the sale of guns should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?
Valid 1 More strict 34.4
2 Less strict 16.9
3 Kept as they are now 44.4
4 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 3.9
5 [DO NOT READ] Refused .4
Total 100.0
Q20 Q20. In general, do you think laws covering carrying guns should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now?
Valid 1 More strict 33.8
2 Less strict 18.4
3 Kept as they are now 42.7
4 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 4.9
5 [DO NOT READ] Refused .3
Total 100.0
Q21 Q21. Do you think abortion should be legal in all cases, legal in most cases, illegal in most cases, or illegal in all cases?
Valid 1 Legal in all cases 10.1
2 Legal in most cases 25.6
3 Illegal in most cases 33.3
4 Illegal in all cases 22.2
5 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 7.3
6 [DO NOT READ] Refused 1.5
Total 100.0
Q22 Q22. What would be most likely to reduce the number of abortions performed: stricter abortion regulations, more access to birth control and sex education, both, or neither?
Valid 1 Stricter abortion regulations 7.6
2 More access to birth control and sex education 37.4
3 Both 38.5
4 Neither 11.3
5 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 4.0
6 [DO NOT READ] Refused 1.1
Total 100.0
Q23 Q23. Do you support or oppose accepting Syrian refugees into the U.S.?
Valid 1 Support 22.4
2 Oppose 65.6
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 10.7
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused 1.4
Total 100.0
Q24 Q24. Thinking about gasoline taxes in Tennessee would you favor or oppose raising the state’s tax on gasoline in order to fund better roads and bridges, or aren’t you sure?
Valid 1 Favor 32.9
2 Oppose 50.8
3 Not sure 16.0
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .3
Total 100.0
K1 K1. Here are a few questions about the government in Washington. Many people don’t know the answers to these, so if there a … ‘t know, just tell me, and we’ll go on. First, do you happen to know what job or political office is now held by Joe Biden?
Valid 1 [DO NOT READ] Vice president 84.6
2 [DO NOT READ] Any incorrect answer 1.8
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 13.0
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .7
Total 100.0
K2 K2. Whose responsibility is it to determine if a law is unconstitutional or not? Is it the president, the Congress, or the Supreme Court?
Valid 1 [DO NOT READ] Supreme Court 76.3
2 [DO NOT READ] Any incorrect answer 12.5
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 10.9
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .3
Total 100.0
K3 K3. How much of a majority is required for the U.S. Senate and House to override a presidential veto?
Valid 1 [DO NOT READ] Two-thirds 42.5
2 [DO NOT READ] Any incorrect answer 18.9
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 38.4
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .3
Total 100.0
K4 K4. Do you happen to know which party currently has the most members in the U.S. House of Representatives?
Valid 1 [DO NOT READ] Republican Party 75.7
2 [DO NOT READ] Any incorrect answer 8.6
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 15.5
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .3
Total 100.0
K5 K5. Would you say that one of the parties is more conservative than the other on a national level? (IF YES, ASK:) Which party?
Valid 1 [DO NOT READ] Republican Party 69.2
2 [DO NOT READ] Any incorrect answer 15.9
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 14.0
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .9
Total 100.0
M1 M1. Which one, if any, of the following media do you get news about government or politics from most often? [READ LIST] [SELECT ONE]
Valid 1 television 54.8
2 the internet 22.5
3 radio 6.3
4 [OR] print 4.2
5 All (if volunteered) 9.1
6 None (if volunteered) 2.1
7 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 1.0
8 [DO NOT READ] Refused .1
Total 100.0
M2 M2. Out of the past seven days, between today and this time last week, how many days did you get news about government or politics from any source? [TYPE ONE-DIGIT ANSWER] [IF DON’T KNOW/REFUSED, TYPE 9]
Valid 0 3.7
1 2.7
2 4.4
3 4.5
4 6.7
5 7.6
6 3.0
7 64.3
9 3.1
Total 100.0
M3 M3. Which one, if any, of the following national television news broadcast and cable news networks do you watch most often? [READ LIST] [SELECT ONE]
Valid 1 Fox News 32.0
2 CNN 14.7
3 MSNBC 5.3
4 ABC 9.2
5 NBC 12.2
6 [OR] CBS 10.6
7 All (if volunteered) 3.3
8 None (if volunteered) 9.6
9 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 2.8
10 [DO NOT READ] Refused .3
Total 100.0
D1 D1. Finally, some questions about yourself. No matter how you vote, do you usually think of yourself as a… (READ LIST)
Valid 1 Democrat 22.7
2 Republican 39.0
3 Independent 28.6
4 OR Something else 6.3
5 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 2.4
6 [DO NOT READ] Refused .9
Total 100.0
D2 D2. On most political matters, do you consider yourself… (READ LIST)
Valid 1 Liberal 14.1
2 Moderate 32.7
3 OR Conservative 48.7
4 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 3.2
5 [DO NOT READ] Refused 1.3
Total 100.0
D3 D3. Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not?
Valid 1 Yes 71.7
2 No 24.2
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 3.2
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused .9
Total 100.0
D4 D4. Which category best describes your total household income for 2015? Please just stop me when I read it… (Read List)
Valid 1 Under $30,000 16.4
2 $30,000 to less than $50,000 16.4
3 $50,000 to less than $100,000 30.1
4 $100,000 or more 24.0
5 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know 3.2
6 [DO NOT READ] Refused 9.8
Total 100.0
S5a D5. What is the highest grade or year of school you have completed? (READ LIST IF NECESSARY)
Valid 1 Did not complete high school 4.6
2 High school graduate 20.8
3 Some college or associate degree 31.4
4 College graduate 24.7
5 Postgraduate study 15.9
6 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know .2
7 [DO NOT READ] Refused 2.3
Total 100.0
D6 D6. Are you… (READ LIST)
Valid 1 White 82.0
2 Black 11.1
3 Hispanic or Latino .9
4 Asian .8
5 OR American Indian 1.1
6 Another race [VOLUNTEERED] .7
7 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know .2
8 [DO NOT READ] Refused 3.0
Total 100.0
D7 D7. Are you of Hispanic or Latino descent, or not?
Valid 1 Yes .9
2 No 95.8
3 [DO NOT READ] Don’t know .4
4 [DO NOT READ] Refused 2.0
Total 99.1
Missing System .9
Total 100.0